Confidential person

Confidential Support and Reporting Procedures

When you, as a member, feel uncomfortable about something, you can turn to the confidential (contact) persons for support. This can be anything, such as doubts or difficulties in your private life or other issues like misconduct. They are also there for you when you just need someone to listen or need advice or support. There is nothing that cannot be discussed. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact them, that's what they're there for!

Everything you tell them will be treated confidentially and will not be discussed with others unless you agree to it. An exception to this is when it is believed that you are in danger or there is a legal violation.

If it concerns a complaint against another member, please provide the following information as far as possible:

  • What happened
  • When it happened
  •  How it happened
  • Why it happened
  • Who did it

At Mattekloppers, we use external confidential (contact) persons. In that case, you can contact the confidential (contact) persons at ACLO or RUG.

You can always make an appointment with the ACLO's confidential (contact) persons for a (phone) conversation or via More information about the confidential (contact) persons at ACLO can be found on the ACLO website.

Would you rather share your story with RUG? You can reach them at If you need more information, you can find it on the website

Internal protocols

Protocol regarding sexual harassment

Protocol regarding bullying

Our sponsors