Jiu Jitsu
Jiu-jitsu can be described as a combination of judo, karate, aikido, and grappling. It is a multidisciplinary sport, which invites you to keep discovering and developing yourself and your skills.
The trainings are focussed on developing your technique, and daring to apply jiu-jitsu as self-defense. You will learn attacks like strikes, grips, throws, and attacks with weapons. And of course how to defend yourself against them. In addition to your technical skills, you will also develop your mindset, cardio, and flexibility.
For the real tough ones: it is possible to obtain your black belt in jiu-jitsu during your student time!
And maybe good to know: the ambiance of the group is amazing, you will feel at home soon enough!
Have you practiced jiu-jitsu, judo, or a comparable sport in the last 5 years, you are very welcome to try out a trial lesson! If you do not have any experience with martial arts, falling and rolling, then I recommend following the jiu-jitsu course. You will develop good basic skills there.