As a student association we are entirely run by students, for students. Active members are the backbone of our association! In addition to our board we have various committees within de Mattekloppers that carry their own responsibilities and have their own get-togethers to organize different activities or add in their own way to our association. It is these committees through which it is possible for members who want to be more involved in our association to discover and express their own talents and passion, make new friends and contribute to the growth and success of our association. Whether you are interested in the organization of social activities, organizing trips to judotournaments in- or outside the Netherlands or delivering an amazing magazine to our members, we have commissions that cater to your interests. Join one of our commissions and become an even more active Matteklopper today!
- The AcCie - the Activity Committee
- The Promocie - the Promotion Committee
- The Kascie - the Audit Committee
- The KlopgeestCie - the Committee of the Mattekloppers Klopgeest magazine
- The ToernooiCie - the Tournament Committee
Whether you would like to apply for a committee, have burning questions about joining one of our committees, or anything else you'd like to share, we're all ears. Reach out to us at and let your voice be heard!