Welcome to G.S.B.V. de Mattekloppers

GSBV de Mattekloppers is the student judo and jiu-jitsu club of the Northern Netherlands, run by and for students. We offer intense training sessions and also host social events, workshops, and fun activities. Members get the chance to compete in local and international matches, showcasing their skills on the tatami. We provide a great mix of sport and community, welcoming everyone to join at their own pace. For more info or questions, contact the board or email us at: info@mattekloppers.nl.

Latest News: Mattekloppers on the podium at NSK!

At this year's edition of the Nederlands Studenten Kampioenschappen (NSK) in Den Haag three of our members could climb on the podium! 

  • Celeste brought home Bronze in the category +78!
  • Danique was able to grab Silver in the category -78!
  • Leon fought a hard battle to obtain Silver in the category -100!

Congratulations to all our prize winning judokas! And of course the medals of honor were celebrated to the fullest in the Den Haag nightlife.

Mattekloppers at NSK

Mattekloppers Triumph in Sheffield!

At the annual USIST tournament in Sheffield, the Mattekloppers 1 team once again clinched the gold medal, triumphing in every match. The final against Aachen, Germany was a nail-biter, showcasing our team's resilience and skill.

Although the Mattekloppers A team narrowly missed out on the bronze medal, their commendable fifth-place finish provided valuable experience and learning opportunities.

Reflecting on the event, the camaraderie among all 16 team members who traveled to Sheffield was truly inspiring.

See the Instagram for all the pictures!



Interested in becoming more active within G.S.B.V. de Mattekloppers? Join one of our committees!


Interested in know when and where to be to train with us? Check out our training schedule!


Next to trainings, we also organise socials and activities  each month for members to get together outside of the dojo!

Check out the "Spierpijn" video the HanzeMAG made on judo at de Mattekloppers!


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